In Finland it is called uudenvuoden tina, and in Turkey it’s kurşun dökmek, Molybdomancy is use of molten metals in divination. Molybdos is lead in ancient greek. There are also records of its use in Celtic folk tradition practiced on Beltane Eve or Samhain.
Lately I’ve been trying my hand at this, except instead of lead or tin, I’m using sterling silver.
The water casting process fascinates me– as it uses the elements of fire, water, earth and air in a kind of formative ritual. Using a blow torch, scrap silver is melted down in a ceramic crucible and then dunked quickly into a bucket of cold water. (It speaks! the hissing steam was often a portent). I love seeing what has formed, what messages the silver has for me. These auguries inspire my designs.
A selection of recent water cast pieces
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